Open up opportunities for young people by hosting a Universify programme at your university

Universify has worked with over 1000 young people from backgrounds that are underrepresented in Higher Education, with over half its participants eligible for FSM and a third of students from the POLAR4 Quintile 1. Universify’s participants progress to university at a rate nearly double that of students from a similar background.

We want to partner with more universities to support their work raising attainment and tackling Risks 1, 2 and 3 of the Office for Students’ Risk Register for students in their target demographics. Long-term our work tackles Risk 4 by increasing successful applications to university.

We partner with universities to fulfil their widening participation strategy

Watch the video below to see how we have partnered with Jesus College at the University of Oxford, working with students from their target regions for the past 5 years.


Our Theory of Change

We work with students in Year 10-11, aged 14-16, from non-selective state schools, who are most at risk of not progressing to highly-selective universities. We work with universities to target students and schools from their target demographics and/or geographies.

We support these students by

  1. Raising GCSE attainment 

  2. Broadening aspirations restricted by limited access to opportunities

  3. Overcome feelings of not belonging in a university setting

Our work provides uniquely intensive, personalised support to students through their GCSE year so they are able to make the best subject decisions, with the best grades to pursue their chosen Higher Education path. 

We complement existing provision and alongside our own Year 12 programme, Alumni+, we work with other Year 12 programmes to create a pipeline of support for students from Universify beyond Year 12.  

You can find out more about the impact of our work in our most recent impact report.

Our flagship, year-long programme

Our core programme is an intensive, year-long programme for students from non-selective state schools beginning in the summer before Year 11 through to when students sit their GCSEs.

A week-long summer residential at a top university

Students receive an authentic undergraduate experience. The residential debunks myths, and develops confidence, independence and aspirations.

Monthly 1-to-1 coaching with trained volunteers

Students work with their coach to set and work towards goals, and to develop the skills and confidence to be self-directed, aspirational learners.

A spring GCSE revision residential

Students receive intensive, tailored GCSE revision sessions in core subjects to boost their attainment for upcoming exams.

Why partner with Universify?

University creates personalised partnerships to support each university’s Widening Participation strategy.  

  • Increase activities and partnerships with schools in targeted regions with minimal demand on college staff time

  • In-depth impact evaluation

  • Good value for money

  • Creating a pipeline to increase the impact of outreach work

  • Opportunities for your current university students to volunteer, with career and employability benefits

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Registered Charity

number: 1167240

Company Registration

number: 10114061


Impact and annual reports

University Partnerships

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